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ahmb.fr   - Of reconci ...

Of reconciliation

20 Nov, 2018 temps de lecture: 1 min
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins

In a republic, Res Publica is entrusted, in principle, to those who are fit because of their abilities and competences to govern (Machiavelli).

Thus, a Governess, who is entrusted with the children and care of the household, holds the credits attesting that she will act like the mother of the family.

She is not alone in this work, she works with the preceptor, the bailiff, the physician, the head chef...

These people are not personally dedicated to her, they are devoted to their arts and committed to their credits.

In case of dissent, it is the Curate who dispenses the cure...

The Masters of the household (the people) are there to reward them, to appreciate them and to take care of their own chores...

It is an auto-reconciling system.

Auteur:  A. HAMDAD

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